As a computer consultant, Scott Krusemark is a 45 year veteran of the Computer Software industry. As the industry has evolved so has he. Scott has reinvented himself six or seven times in order to keep current with changing technologies and markets. As a result, he has a vast knowledge of systems work, networking, and has done programming in a large variety of industries, languages and on a number of different platforms as well.
After spending eight and a half years working for a computer software consulting firm, Scott formed his own company in 1992. He has spent the last 24 years working as an independent consultant in a number of different industries including: banking, distribution, manufacturing, oil and gas, electric utilities, steel, medical, and social services. During that time he has dealt with a wide variety of platforms and has learned over 45 different computer languages! He enjoys the challenge of learning new languages, applications, and the systems that they run on as well as designing the programs to help businesses meet the challenges they face in today’s technological world.
He is always up for a new challenge to help small to medium sized companies meet to needs that they are facing. For more information on how he can help you or your company, please contact Scott at or call him at 1-330-966-1231.
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